2013年10月24日 星期四

寶寶咬奶防治 (baby請不要咬奶頭)

Bites Breast

Our five-month-old bites while breastfeeding and it hurts. How can I stop her? Babies do bite the breast that feeds them. As soon as those pearly whites begin to painfully bother her gums (can begin as early as three months), she naturally turns to her favorite pacifier – mom. What’s even more startling is the irritating little nip that comes just as you are feeling the effects of your natural tranquilizing hormones, as if being jarred out of a light sleep. Try these suggestions to lessen biting:

寶寶會咬她的食物來源nene,當珍珠白的小牙開始痛痛地冒出牙齦時 (可能在3個月大時就發牙),她自然地尋求她最愛的安撫物-老媽。更令人驚奇的是惱人的輕咬會讓妳感受到妳自然的鎮定賀爾蒙效果。如果妳小睡時被咬的不爽了,試試這些建議來減少被咬:

  • React appropriate to how it feels. “Ouch!” you holler as you pry those little baby jaws apart with your fingers to preserve your precious, tender piece of flesh. Once you’ve rescued your nipple, watch baby’s face. Sensitive babies will cry at mother’s reaction. Calm her and immediately resume nursing. When she bites again, react the same way. Eventually, baby will associate biting with an undesirable reaction and will stop biting.
  •  表達出妳的感受  “好痛!” 妳慘叫一聲並用手指把小怪獸的嘴扳開,搶救妳寶貴的脆弱ne頭。當妳救了ne頭時,看看小怪獸的臉。敏感的寶寶感受到媽媽的反應就哭了。安撫她並趕快再給奶。她又再咬的話,再次同樣的用力表達妳的痛,到最後寶寶會連想到如果咬了會出現她討厭的反應,而停止咬妳。

  • End the feeding. When baby bites and you prematurely end the feeding, baby associates biting with the end of a feeding, which acts as another deterent for her continued biting.
  • 停止餵奶  當寶寶咬人後立刻停止供奶,寶寶會聯想到咬奶就會沒奶,因此有嚇阻作用。

  • Pull baby close. Instead of the yank-and-yell response, which you may intuitively feel like doing, as soon as you sense baby’s teeth coming down to bite, draw her in close to your breast and she will automatically let go in order to open her mouth more and uncover her nose to breathe. Don’t try to disengage your nipple from the clenched teeth. Your baby will lessen her bite as she realized that she can’t both bite and breathe. After several times of this counter-instinctive trick of pulling your baby in close to you when she bites, your baby will realize that biting triggers this uncomfortable response and she will stop biting. Remember, your goal is to discourage her from biting, not to frighten her.
  •  把寶寶拉近   被咬時妳可能自然反應地慘叫並把怪獸拉開,當妳感受到寶寶的牙齒要來了,改成把她拉近自己的胸部,她自動會張開嘴巴放掉ne頭,並留給鼻子空間來呼吸。頭頭被咬住時不要硬扯開,妳的寶寶會學到她不能同時咬妳並呼吸因此鬆口放過妳。重覆幾次這種非自然反應式的拉近寶寶技倆後,妳的寶寶會學到咬妳會引發不舒服的反應而停止咬人。記住,妳的目標是要她放棄咬人,不是去嚇她。

  • Reserve a protective finger. Once you know your baby is in the biting phase, keep a finger in the corner of her mouth, ready to break the suction if you sense her starting to clamp down.
  •  留一根手指保護   當妳知道寶寶快咬人了,留一根手指在她的嘴角,準備分開吸合狀態,當她要開始咬妳時。

  • Try the pull-off-and-put-down technique. If baby bites, immediately disengage her from the breast and put her down, not in a punitive way, but with enough firmness that she makes the connection between biting and being put down.
  •  使用分開並放下的技巧   當寶寶咬人時,立刻分開她並把她放下,不是用懲罰的方式,但要堅定讓她瞭解咬人會被放下。

  • Provide an alternative. Teething creates the urge to chomp, and anything that enters her mouth is fair game. Keep some teething toys in the freezer, such as a frozen banana or a washcloth, and let her chomp on these before, or at the end of a feeding. If you know from experience that biting comes at the end of the feeding, let her finish her sucking on your finger or a cool substitute. These techniques will teach your baby breastfeeding manners and also preserve your nipples.

  •  給她替代品   長牙讓她很想咬咬,什麼東西來到嘴裡都一樣想咬,放一些固齒玩具在冰箱,例如冷凍香蕉或毛巾,先讓她咬這些東西,或在餵完奶後給她咬。如果妳依經驗知道她喝完奶後就會咬,讓她喝完時吸妳的手指或冷的替代品,這些技巧會教妳的寶寶吸奶禮儀並保護妳的ne頭。
