2013年10月18日 星期五

分段式擠奶 (用後段奶讓寶寶增加熱量攝取)

Separating Your Milk to Help Your Baby Grow


在另一篇網誌 “瓶餵與親餵的不同 & 如何改善瓶餵” 中,有提到Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (費城兒童醫院)有一個很棒的教學文件,教你如何分段擠出前段奶和後段奶,本篇就來看費城兒童醫院的教學。

The amount of fat in your breast milk can vary during a pumping session and at different times of the day. If your baby doesn’t get enough fat, he may have trouble gaining weight. If you are pumping more milk than your baby needs each day, you can increase the fat in your milk to help your baby grow.

The first milk that comes out of your breast during a pumping or feeding session is called “foremilk”. Foremilk is mostly water. It contains protein and other nutrients, but it is low in calories and fat. As the breast is emptied, the amount of fat in the milk gets higher and the milk has more calories. The milk at the very end of a pumping or breastfeeding session is called “hindmilk”. You can separate your milk to collect milk that is higher in fat and calories. If you make lots of milk (more than 900 ml per day), or if you get a lot at one pumping (more than 200 ml), your milk might be watery. You may need to separate it to increase the fat.
最早從親餵或擠奶中出來的奶叫作 “foremilk”(前段奶),它大部分是水,含有蛋白質及其他營養,但熱量和脂肪量較低。隨著胸部的剩餘奶量變少,母乳中的脂肪量變多熱量變高,在擠奶或親餵後段的奶叫 “hindmilk”(後段奶)。你可以分開擠出以蒐集脂肪較多的高熱量奶。如果妳產出很多奶 (每天多於900ml),或如果你一次擠很多奶 (超過200ml),妳的奶可能很多水份,妳或許需要將奶分離以增加脂肪。
It is helpful to know how much milk you get from each breast at each pumping session. You can plan to remove the first 1/3 that you pump. For instance, if you normally pump 60 ml on each breast, you will remove 20 ml of foremilk. Foremilk can be frozen for later use.
瞭解妳每次從每個乳房擠出多少奶量會有幫助,妳可以計畫分裝 1/3擠出的奶,例如妳每邊胸部通常擠出60ml,妳可以分裝20ml的前段奶,把它冷藏備用。

(譯註:費城兒童醫院獲選US News 2012-2013 & 2013-2014最佳兒童醫院,

The CHOP lactation consultants can perform a creamatocrit on your milk to measure the amount of fat and calories in the milk. Ask your nurse for Patient Family Education sheet 13:B:54 to learn more about creamatocrits.
CHOP (費城兒童醫院)的授乳顧問可以用creamatocrit來測量妳的母乳的脂肪量和熱量,向妳的護理師要病患家屬教育表13:B:54 以瞭解更多關於creamatocrit。

Follow these directions for separating your milk:

1. Have extra breast milk storage containers ready.

2. Begin pumping your breasts with the breast pump. About two minutes after the milk starts flowing steadily, turn the pump off, pour this milk into a separate container and label it “foremilk”. This should equal about 1/3 of the usual amount that you pump.
 開始用擠奶器擠奶,流量開始穩定大約2分鐘後,關掉機器,將母乳分裝並標示為前段奶,這應該等於妳通常擠奶量的 1/3

3. Continue pumping until your milk flow stops, then for two more minutes. Label these bottles “hindmilk”.

4. Hindmilk can be fed to your baby to help him or her grow! You are an important part of your baby’s care.

You may have to separate your milk a few times before we figure out which is the best milk to feed to your baby. We will help you so that you can help your baby grow! You can always contact us at
215-590-4442 if you have any questions.

Written 2/02; Reviewed 3/2004, 3/07; Revised 6/10

增加母乳產量的方法 (追奶、增加寶寶體重)