2014年4月14日 星期一


Help, My 7-month Old is Glued to Me (求救,7個月大的寶寶黏著我不放)


“My seven-month-old is glued to me. She refuses to go to anyone else, not even my husband. I can’t even leave the room without her screaming. I need a break. Help!”

This is something that many families face. Even the most involved dad can experience this rejection. It is nothing that dad did or did not do.

The first thing to understand is that THIS IS COMPLETELY NORMAL. It is called stranger anxiety and separation anxiety, and is developmentally appropriate for infants during the second half of their first year. Many babies simple become “glued to mom” for a few months. It will pass with time.Now that you know this, what can you do to shorten this phase and get baby to be more comfortable with dad too?
首先要瞭解這種現象是完全正常的。這叫做陌生人焦慮(stranger anxiety) 分離焦慮(separation anxiety),是7~12月大的正常發展現象。很多寶寶在幾個月的期間內完全變成黏媽寶寶,隨著時間這個期間會過去。現在你瞭解這點了,你該如何做來減少這段期間,並讓寶寶能更習慣老爸呢?

1. Spend more intimate family time together – let your baby see dad and mom being close and affectionate. Moms, give your babies that message that “I love this man, he is safe and fun!”
1. 多一些親密的家庭時間:讓寶寶看見老爸老媽的親近及深情互動,給寶寶訊息“我愛這個男人,他是很安全而有趣的”。

2. Let baby hear your voice – moms, as you step out of the room for a minute, talk to your baby in a reassuring voice until you come back. Baby will learn that you are still near, and baby is safe, while you are in the next room.


3. Family walks – go for frequent family outings. Have dad carry baby around most of the time. Baby may be too distracted by the surroundings to realize he is in the “wrong” parents arms.

3. 家庭散步:多多全家出門,大部分的時間讓老爸背寶寶,寶寶可能會因為周圍環境而分心,沒注意到自己是在另一個人的懷抱中。

Above all, realize that this phase will pass. This is NOT rejection. It is development.

Dr. Bob
註:Dr. Bob是Dr. Sears家族的醫生成員之一,是Attachment Parenting提倡者Dr. William Sears的兒子。