2014年1月6日 星期一


Increase Your Milk Supply At Breakfast

(from Joe Hisaishi's FB)

Breastfeeding mamas – are you looking for an easy, delicious way to help increase your milk supply, starting right in the morning?

Well then, look no further!  This simple recipe is full of galactagogues, which is really just a fancy schmancy word for something that encourages your body to produce more milk.  The key galactagogues in this recipe are the oats, flax seeds, and almonds.
Even if you don’t have milk supply issues, this breakfast is a great way to help maintain your supply, and it’s full of nutrition to keep your body going (it’s hard work sustaining another human life with your body!).  Eat it daily and you’re sure to see the benefits in both your supply and your energy levels, plus, the fiber in this recipe will keep you full for quite some time.
在此提供簡單有效的發奶配方,主要成分為燕麥、亞麻仁和杏仁。即使你不缺奶水,它也能幫助你維持奶量,而且它充滿維持身體運作的營養。(靠你的身體來養育寶寶可是大工程!) 每天喝發奶燕麥飲,你會發現它對於奶量及你所需能量的幫助,此外,配方裡的纖維可以讓你維持飽足感。
All of these ingredients can be found at your local supermarket, and stores like Whole Foods sell organic oats and organic flax seed in bulk, which can add up to a huge savings.  Additionally, we recommend purchasing ground flax seeds, or grinding them up at home, for even more nutritional value.  Ground flax seeds are easier for your body to digest than whole flax seeds (which may pass through your system undigested), so the nutrients are more easily absorbed.
Eat up!

Lactation Oatmeal (泌乳燕麥飲)
     (1/2杯有機即食燕麥片) (註:意指可直接沖泡食用)
1 tablespoon organic flax seeds (ground, golden or brown)
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
 1 cup boiling water
Handful of sliced almonds
Optional: sweetener of choice, to taste (maple syrup, agave syrup, brown sugar, etc.)
     (自選調味:增加甜味用,如楓糖、avave syrup(龍舌蘭漿)、紅糖等)
Mix the oats, flax seeds, and cinnamon in a bowl.  Add in 1 cup of boiling water, and stir.  Sprinkle with a handful of slivered almonds, and blend in your sweetener of choice to taste.



增加母乳產量的方法 (追奶、增加寶寶體重)