2015年12月29日 星期二

寶寶哭泣無法安撫的可能原因(Crying Inconsolably)

Crying Inconsolably
Posted onSeptember 25, 2013 by drsearsinstitute in Childhood IllnessesNo Comments

P.S.:重點翻譯非全文翻, sorry.

Why is your baby crying inconsolably?

If your child is crying inconsolably it can be very troublesome for parents and children, especially in the middle of the night. Here are some tips to help you determine the cause of your baby’s inconsolable crying and what you can do to provide the proper relief to your child.


  1. Teething(長牙)– a very common cause of fussiness in infants age 4 months to 2 years. Other signs of teething include vigorous chewing on hands or toys, drooling, and bulging gums.  4個月至2歲大期間之常見哭鬧原因,長牙現象包含咬手或玩具、流口水、牙齦腫脹。
  2. Ear infections(耳朵感染)– if your child has a worsening cold and possibly a fever, then suddenly develops fever and unusual fussiness during the night, an ear infection is a possibility. However, if your child does NOT have cold symptoms and fever, then it’s probably not an ear infection. Click on ear infection for more info.如果你的孩子感冒變嚴重並有可能發燒,有可能是耳朵感染,如果沒有感冒症狀及發燒就可能不是耳朵感染,詳情可看原文網頁連結。
  3. Upset stomach(肚子不適)– in breastfed infants, occasionally your baby’s stomach may get upset by something mom ate earlier in the day. This can cause severe gas pains, which can last for hours. Click on colic below for more info. 母乳嬰兒有時會因為媽媽先前吃的東西造成肚痛,這可能會造成嚴重脹氣而持續數小數,詳情可看原文網頁的colic(腸絞痛)連結。
  4. Colic(腸絞痛)– this is inconsolable crying in young infants which occurs daily and lasts for several hours. Click on it for more info.
  5. Insect bite(蚊蟲咬傷)– these can be painful, especially spider bites.
  6. Mouth sores(嘴巴痛)– a virus called coxsackie (hand, foot and mouth disease) can cause high fever and canker sores throughout the mouth which are very painful. Click on it for more info.柯沙奇病毒 (腸病毒的一種, coxsackie)可引起發燒及口瘡而造成嚴重疼痛。
  7. Sore throat(喉頭炎)– a very bad sore throat can be a cause of fussiness.
  8. Scratched eye(眼睛抓傷)– sometimes an infant can accidentally scratch her eye, which can be very painful. A red, tearing eye can clue you in to this.嬰兒意外自己抓傷,造成紅眼、流淚等現象。
  9. Hair tourniquet(毛髮纏繞) – this occurs when a piece of long hair gets inadvertently wrapped around your child’s toe and strangles the tip of the toe, causing swelling, pain, and bleeding. You should seek medical attention within a couple of hours so the hair can be pulled or cut out.長髮可能意外綁到並勒住孩子的指頭,造成腫痛、流血等。可儘快就醫拔除或剪段纏住的毛髮。


Find the cause 找出原因 – undress your child and examine the eyes, mouth, skin, and toes for the above causes. If you identify one of the above causes, click on it for more information on treatment.脫掉孩子衣服並檢查眼睛、嘴巴、皮膚、指頭,以觀察是否有上述造成哭泣的原因。

Pain medication 使用止痛藥– acetaminophen(乙醯氨酚) or ibuprofen(布洛芬) can help with pain from most of the above causes, even if you are not certain what the cause is. Click on them for dosing.請依醫生指示用藥。

WHEN TO WORRY (AND NOT TO WORRY!)何時要擔心(以及何時不用擔心!)

The top 7 causes above are not dangerous and generally do not require medical attention during the night. Contact your doctor the following day if the problem persists.上述前7項原因通常不危險不急著在晚上就醫,可隔天再看醫生。


Scratched eye(眼睛抓傷)– if you suspect this, you generally should seek medical advice within 4 – 6 hours. So if it’s early evening, a trip to an urgent care center or call to your doctor is warranted. If it’s the middle of the night, then you can safely wait until morning to contact your doctor.如果你懷疑有這問題,通常應在4-6小時內就醫,如果還非深夜可看急診或打電話給你的醫生,如果是深夜可以等待早上再找醫生。

Hair tourniquet(毛髮纏繞)  – you should seek medical attention within a couple of hours of discovering this. The hair is difficult to remove yourself, as it is easy to miss deeper strands. 你應該在幾小時內儘快就醫,毛髮自己不易移除,而且容易遺漏較深入的線段。

If your child has any of the following symptoms, call your doctor right away or go to the nearest ER:如果有以下症狀,打電話給醫生或儘快去最近的急診。

Repeated projectile vomiting AND rigid abdomen 不斷噴射嘔吐並有腹部僵硬。

Unusual behavior such as failing to make eye contact with you, not responding to your voice or touch, muscle twitches or other unusual movements.不正常的行為例如無法與你有眼神交會,對你的聲音或觸摸沒反應,肌肉痙攣或其他不正常動作。

Your parents’ intuition tells you to worry and seek medical attention even if it’s, “I just know something’s wrong.”你的育兒直覺讓你覺得擔心就去就醫,即使只是感覺到“我就是覺得有問題”。


