2013.9.20,一位媽媽Northern Mum發表了一篇文章:Hip Dysplasia: Why we should burn forward facing baby carriers (髖關節發育不良:為何我們應該燒掉讓嬰兒面向前方的背巾)
原文網址: http://www.northernmum.com/2013/09/hip-dysplasia-why-we-should-burn-forward-facing-baby-carriers/#sthash.OoH4ttfp.dpuf
這位媽媽有3個小孩,她有2條背巾,一個是正常坐姿的背巾,另一條是可以讓寶寶面向前方的背巾,這條背巾會讓寶寶的腳向下懸垂,對屁股產生下拉力,並對脆弱的髖關節帶來過大的壓力。她以前並不知道關於hip dysplasia(髖關節發育不良)的相關知識,直到她的女兒被診斷出臀部發育不良,接受了6小時的手術,包含bone grafts(骨移植)及輸血,以及手術後的12週半身固定。
2013年9月24日 星期二
2013年9月13日 星期五
Breastfeeding and pain relief in full-term neonates during immunization injections: a clinical randomized trial
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of breastfeeding on pain relief in full-term neonates during injection of hepatitis B vaccine.
Methods: This was a randomized clinical trial. A sample of full-term neonates was randomly allocated into two groups: the experimental group and the control group.
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of breastfeeding on pain relief in full-term neonates during injection of hepatitis B vaccine.
Methods: This was a randomized clinical trial. A sample of full-term neonates was randomly allocated into two groups: the experimental group and the control group.
2013年9月10日 星期二
8 Infant Sleep Facts Every Parent Should Know
作者:William Sears, M.D.
order to better understand the how-to's of getting you and your baby to enjoy
going to sleep and staying asleep, here are some important principles of sleep
that every new parent needs to understand.
2013年9月2日 星期一
為什麼非洲寶寶不哭 & 非洲式傳統育兒優點
Why African Babies Don't Cry:An African Perspective |
by Claire Niala
The first thing I noticed is that despite their ubiquitousness it is actually quite difficult to actually "see" a Kenyan baby. They are usually incredibly well wrapped up before being carried or strapped onto their mother (sometimes father).
Even older babies already strapped onto a back are then further protected from the elements by a large blanket. You would be lucky to catch a limb, never mind an eye or nose. It is almost a womb-like replication in the wrapping. The babies are literally cocooned from the stresses of the outside world into which they are entering.
非洲寶寶通常都被包好揹在媽媽或爸爸身上,讓寶寶就像還待在子宮似地感到安心。 |
2013年9月1日 星期日
很多被視為“嬰兒睡眠問題”的問題,其實是正常的嬰兒睡眠模式 (新增嬰兒睡眠相關說明)
“Many infant sleep behaviors that experts label as ‘sleep problems’ are actually normal and developmentally appropriate.”
“U.S. culture has beliefs about where babies should sleep. Unfortunately, babies have not read the manual.”