2013年10月24日 星期四

寶寶咬奶防治 (baby請不要咬奶頭)

Bites Breast

Our five-month-old bites while breastfeeding and it hurts. How can I stop her? Babies do bite the breast that feeds them. As soon as those pearly whites begin to painfully bother her gums (can begin as early as three months), she naturally turns to her favorite pacifier – mom. What’s even more startling is the irritating little nip that comes just as you are feeling the effects of your natural tranquilizing hormones, as if being jarred out of a light sleep. Try these suggestions to lessen biting:

寶寶會咬她的食物來源nene,當珍珠白的小牙開始痛痛地冒出牙齦時 (可能在3個月大時就發牙),她自然地尋求她最愛的安撫物-老媽。更令人驚奇的是惱人的輕咬會讓妳感受到妳自然的鎮定賀爾蒙效果。如果妳小睡時被咬的不爽了,試試這些建議來減少被咬:

2013年10月20日 星期日




By Tracy G. Cassels

With all the press scrambling to tell parents just to leave their kids to cry-it-out at night (see my response to the latest here), I thought I’d just present a few of the many reasons a baby or toddler may be waking and/or crying in the night.  And why you should respond.
許多媒體隨便建議父母應該讓孩子在晚上接受cry it out哭泣式睡眠訓練 (對此請看我的回應),我要提出一些寶寶晚上會醒來哭的原因,以及為何你應該要回應哭泣。

1. They are hungry.  Especially younger babies need to nurse frequently and expecting them to sleep long stretches without food is actually starving them and messing with their ability to regulate how much they eat at a given time.


2013年10月19日 星期六


Proving the Risk of Harm in Early Sleep Training

原文出處: http://evolutionaryparenting.com/proving-the-harm-in-early-sleep-training/
作者:Tracy G. Cassels
A new review paper out in the Journal of Developmental and Behavioural Pediatrics[1] has me hearing choirs, seeing the clouds part, and sun shining down (and I live in Vancouver, BC so it’s not something I see very often) over finally seeing someone address the issue of sleep training in young children by summarizing ALL the research (albeit only until six months of age).  This new review paper examines all articles from 1993 to August 2013 that examined the effects of sleep training on infants younger than six months of age.
一篇新的review paper(文獻探討)最近發表於Journal of Developmental and Behavioural Pediatrics[1] (發展與行為小兒科學期刊),它讓我聽見了唱詩班,看到飛雲散開,陽光照射而下 (因為我住在溫哥華,所以這不是我常看到的天氣。),終於有人發表早期睡眠訓練對於年幼孩童影響的研究總結 (雖然只有6個月大以下的部分)。這篇新的review paper檢視了從1993年到2013年8月的所有文章,來檢視早期睡眠訓練對於未滿6個月大的嬰兒有何影響

2013年10月18日 星期五

分段式擠奶 (用後段奶讓寶寶增加熱量攝取)

Separating Your Milk to Help Your Baby Grow


在另一篇網誌 “瓶餵與親餵的不同 & 如何改善瓶餵” 中,有提到Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (費城兒童醫院)有一個很棒的教學文件,教你如何分段擠出前段奶和後段奶,本篇就來看費城兒童醫院的教學。

The amount of fat in your breast milk can vary during a pumping session and at different times of the day. If your baby doesn’t get enough fat, he may have trouble gaining weight. If you are pumping more milk than your baby needs each day, you can increase the fat in your milk to help your baby grow.

2013年10月12日 星期六


Simple Ways to Calm a Crying Baby

    And Have a More Peaceful Night’s Sleep

本文刊載於United States Lactation Consultant Association〔USLCA, 美國授乳顧問協會〕的官方期刊Clinical Lactation《臨床授乳學》網頁,編號Volume 4 Issue 2,Issue 2探討睡眠訓練及相關議題。

“My baby is only happy in my arms. The minute I put her down she cries.”
“She wakes every hour throughout the night, every night. I’m exhausted.”
Common Statements from New Parents

2013年10月9日 星期三


Colic Causing Foods in Breastfeeding

If your child is experiencing colic, it may be due to something in your diet that is passing through the breastmilk. Here is a list of foods that may be the culprit. You can eliminate all foods at once or just a few at a time, depending on how severe the colic is. It sometimes takes up to two weeks for a food to get out of your system, so be patient. Good luck!

2013年10月7日 星期一


Here is another (not so) Real Man of AP.

2013年10月3日 星期四

親餵與瓶餵的差別 & 如何改善瓶餵 ("不建議"定時定量餵奶的原因,cue feeding )

原文標題:So You’re Going To Bottle Feed…(當你要來瓶餵時...)

This piece first published in The Natural Parent Magazine, Issue 9, 2012
By Tracy G. Cassels
如果你定期看進化論育兒網站 (註:Evolutionary Parenting (進化論育兒)是本文作者 Tracy Cassels的網站,刊載豐富的育兒資訊,由人類發展演化的觀點,以科學研究為基礎,探討什麼是寶寶真正需要的,其基本精神與育兒風格和Attachement Parenting (依附式育兒、台灣常譯為親密育兒) 很相似,在歐美的人氣持續上昇中。網址:http://evolutionaryparenting.com/ ) 很明顯的我是breastfeed(親餵母乳)的推廣者,我支持breastfeed的程度,甚至讓一些因為某些原因而不能breastfeed的媽媽們覺得心煩。然而我的著眼重點不在於做決定的媽媽們,而是強迫媽媽們做決擇的系統。我相信媽媽們應該有選擇,你不能breastfeed?擠奶吧,不能擠奶?你應該也有使用別的媽媽擠的奶的選項。對我來說,配方奶應該是只有少數女人不得不如此的最後選擇,不僅因為breastfeeding是新生兒期望的生理上的基準,而且科學不斷顯示一些問題與瓶餵(bottle-feeding)有關(bottle-feeding在很多研究中有被歸類),不過瓶餵依然存在,因此現在要來概述一些瓶餵的缺點,以及媽媽們如何修正減輕這些缺點。